印度网友:为什么印度空军不怕中国隐形战斗机J-20? [美国媒体]


Why is the Indian Air Force not afraid of a Chinese stealth fighter aircraft J-20?



Abhijot Gill
Answered Dec 3, 2016 · Upvoted by Aryan Pundir, Officer at Indian Air Force
China is trying to dominate the world both economically and strategically (in terms of military domination) . The finest example is the new stealth fighter Chengdu J-20 popularly known as J-20.This aircraft can be called the copy of US F-22 Raptor.J-20 aircraft is fifth generation stealth aircraft. This is twin engine aircraft.


India is also procuring S-400 Triumf from Russia which can also kill stealth aircraft's. This will help in securing our motherland against air threats.


Their are numerous examples in the history of military that an army with more high tech weapons will not surely win but it depends on the skill and courage of the person.We take the example of Battle Asal uttar where are old tanks destroyed the powerful Patton tanks.


And above all machine can do nothing without man because what makes the weapon deadly is the man behind it and Indians are well trained to perform their jobs which makes them the best.



Fairley Industries LLC Fairley, former Co-Pilot
I am sitting back and laughing as I admire this indian propaganda. Do you think India is ready to compete on the world stage in military aviation? The truth is India buy aircraft from all over the world then subcontract avionics out through other companies all over the world. Piss anyone nation off and then you your planes, dont fly. The Tejas is Indians first and only indegious fighter while the contract for the Rafael is still being negotiated by India with the first few batchs to be built in France. India has paid alot of money into the T-50 program and has yet to get a fighter or even the technology from Russia to produce their own indegious twin seat FGFA. By the way, every time a Su-30 breaks down the engine goes back to Russia.


India Air Force might be the best strategist so far. They did dominate the U.S. Red Flag in Cope India but hear is the problem with that. Alot actually. The best Aircraft in that scenario was the Mig21 bis. Small radar cross section. Fast. Jammar pods. Off bore weapons. Deadly. They actually scored all the kills while MKIs took a AWACs role. It was Indian Aces versus a regular deployable squadron. The did not win any one on one dog fights with there thrust vectoring MKIs. So I wouldn't really say that an Air Force is better when you lose with superior equipment. Especially if you have not done well in another red flag since then.


Im not shitting on India but we must be honest and not fall into the propaganda. As long as you fly French, Russian, American, British, etc(India Airforce is like a Paris Airshow) aircraft. Outsource your Avonics from everywhere from Germany to Isreal. You do not have yet a full squadron if Tejas fighters. You have yet to build one squadron of T50 aircraft or even any R&D out of the deal. Your. losing two aircraft a month on average do to maintaince issues. It would be hard to say India is ready to compete with the technology found in the J-20/J-31 when India has yet to develope technology. China has developed two 5generation fighters to compete with the F-22 while India is building a fighter to compete with J-10, F-16, and J-17.



Another confidence to the IAF Pilots is the exercise with the US F-22. That confidence is good enough as the pilots was able to shoot down F-22 with their Su-30MKI in close combat. The IAF pilots understand whats coming out of China and i believe they are very much prepared to face any such threats from China.



Arnab Chatterjee, glad to be born Indian
The short answer is that neither India nor china is stupid enough to try and make each other afraid!


WHY? …..


because we both are established nuclear powers with intercontinental capabilities and none of us have a credible ballistic missile defence which any way is never 100% effective in any case!


the main answer is that the stealth fighters are the epitome of any countries power projection around the world. it can be compared to an aerial equivalent to nuclear submarines. thus it takes heavy investment as these beasts are designed to last at-least 4–5 decades with successive modernization along the way. precisely due to this reason, these weapons are mainly for first strike missions and penetration attacks! these bests are simply too costly to be put into active combat theaters and dogfight scenarios. simply put , it will be a huge waste of money if an advanced Akaash SAM or S400 Triumf, shoots down a J20. moreover the nations like India which though lagging still having considerable heft in the high-tech industries of the world, can also build better stealth detecting radars as well as advanced air defence on its own , thereby raising the costs to benefit of ever using these expensive jets into active war scenarios!


J20 , if had been a stealth unmanned combat platform, would have been revolutionary . it is the fact that its a manned version , which makes it economically nonviable in the event if war!


the stealth fighters itself on its own are not going to be any use. but the use of artificial intelligence and the superior technological capabilities will be important!where J20 loses out is the perhaps the lack of originality and the Chinese incapacity to introduce original concepts in aerial warfare, given the state of technological advancement that they have reached
