某男子喝下1.2品脱白酒后死了 [美国媒体]



Guy drinks 1.2 pints of baijiu; dies



–]roadtrip-ne 28 指标 16小时前 
Despite being culturally acceptable alcohol is one of the deadlist drugs out there. It's one of the only drugs you can die withdrawing from (benzos being the other common one)


[–]whatkindof88 14 指标 10小时前 
It's also the only drug that physically attacks every part of your body - your organs your skin your eyes your brain your teeth. Everything.


Other drugs attack parts of the body too of course. I believe cocaine burns away the small passages in your brain that help you with emotions etc. But alcohol has a go at everything.
And the way the Chinese drink it. Not a gentle sip to savour the taste no. Great gulps of it and drink it fast because it all tastes like shit anyway.


[–]ChinaBounder 1 指标 6小时前 
“Not a gentle sip to savour the taste no.”
It's baijiu. The shorter the time it's on the tongue to taste it the better.


[–]reallyfasteddie 1 指标 3小时前 
I disagree. Some baijiu is almost sweet with a very slight hangover. I love.the stuff on a cold winter day.


[–]ChalkyTannins 5 指标 15小时前 
I've always wondered how bad of an alcoholist you had to be where cold-turkey'ing would kill you.
Are we talking like a fifth of hard liquor a day? Or more?


[–]LeYanYanFrance 3 指标 7小时前 
I was on a basis of one bottle (around 80cl) of liquor a day for about a year. Withdraw was a fucking bitch but now I shit solid turds.



[–]kaiwanxiaode 11 指标 17小时前 
That's a shame. I feel bad for his family.


[–]GeoPeoMeo 1 指标 16小时前 
Yes that's really tragic.


[–]mrgoodkat1707European unx 9 指标 9小时前* 
600ml? What's that breakfast for scumis?


[–]tikki_roxCanada 2 指标 4小时前 
That sucks. Although that’s not that much baijiiu by Chinese standards to be honest.
It blows he was pressured into it really.
Hope his wife can get more out of it than a measly 6k usd


[–]WhereTheHotWaterAt 4 指标 17小时前 
He added they were offering 40000 yuan (US$6350) compensation to his wife and two-year-old child.
For this price I would too pay a compensation for "accidentally" giving 600ml of fake baijiu to a couple of people I have the displeasure to work with ~

“他补充道,‘他们赔偿给他的妻子和其两岁的孩子共计4万元(6350美元)。 ”

[–]HotNaturedUnited States 10 指标 15小时前 
Some Shanghai F&B expat published a piece for That's Shanghai the other day saying that fake alcohol is a myth. What a dingus.



[–]whatkindof88 3 指标 10小时前 
That's just laughable. I've spoken to expat bar owners in Shanghai who tell me it could be anywhere from 50% to 80% fake.


[–]arechinathrowaway -3 指标 16小时前 
If you're having these sorts of thoughts it's probably best you left the country.


[–]HotNaturedUnited States 6 指标 15小时前 
Here we go with this one again


[–]WhereTheHotWaterAt 3 指标 8小时前 
I was obviously joking come on man


[–]Alvif 3 指标 4小时前 
you better fucking leave our chinar white boy


[–]WhereTheHotWaterAt 2 指标 4小时前 
b-b-b-but I'm a Caucasian Chinese ~


[–]Alvif 2 指标 2小时前 
i will hit your dick with a bottle rice boy


[–]WhereTheHotWaterAt 2 指标 1小时前 
> implying you would be precise enough to hit it
I'm caucasian chinese for a reason ~~


[–]maomao05 2 指标 5小时前 
UGH! I hate Chinese drinking culture!!!! Absolutely hate it!


[–]GuestBobEuropean unx 1 指标 5小时前 
Scumis we hardly knew ye.

