在其空乘人员火爆群交性爱录像出现在网上后,中国东方航空公司否认了该传闻 [英国媒体]



hina Eastern Airlines has strongly denied rumours that its staff were filmed enjoying a wild orgy in a Spanish karaoke room.


Raunchy sex tapes emerged on Chinese social media network Weibo purporting to show at least six naked flight attendants having sex and dancing in Madrid.


Rumours began to circulate that the four women and two men filmed in the video worked for China Eastern Airlines.


China Eastern Airlines has strongly denied rumours that its staff were filmed enjoying a wild orgy in a Spanish karaoke room

Raunchy sex tapes emerged on Chinese social media network Weibo purporting to show at least six naked flight attendants having sex and dancing in Madrid

A statement allegedly issued by China Eastern claims the video does not show any employees and appears to have been filmed in Africa.  


The airline also claims those who created the video and shared it on social media have set out to deliberate harm the company's reputation. 


The videos have been censored in China and taken off Weibo. 


Despite being banned in China the videos have made their way onto Twitter.


Rumours began to circulate that the four women and two men filmed in the video worked for China Eastern Airlines

A statement allegedly issued by China Eastern claims the video does not show any employees and appears to have been filmed in Africa

They show naked men and woman having sex while a television flashes in the background.


Tweets of the videos mention China Eastern by name in the captions.


'Eastern Airlines 6p' and 'Eastern Airlines' are the top searches on Weibo according to Free Weibo.


Some social media users have suggested the videos may have been recorded at an exclusive spa in Thailand rather than Madrid or Africa.


They have also claimed that those filmed are prostitutes rather than airline staff.


'China Eastern' is the second-most censored term on Weibo behind eye-rolling reporter Liang Xiangyi Medium reported.


Daily Mail Australia has contacted China Eastern Airlines for comment. 


The airline also claims those who created the video and shared it on social media have set out to deliberate harm the company's reputation


Somesome New york United States 2 days ago
It's gross but also not illegal or our business.


EL James Austin United States 1 day ago
All I see is pixels.


Roymchunter Jakarta Indonesia 1 day ago
Damn..I should be a pilot..


PlaneAussie Brisbane Australia 1 day ago
Who cares what the clerics think.


Mia Moniker Charleston United States 1 day ago
As long as it's consensual who cares! It's not our business what goes on in adults private lives.


Giants1590 New York United Kingdom 1 day ago
I am definitely going to fly that airline great to see people enjoying life it to short to waste.


jtamster Williams United States 1 day ago
If you see them enjoying it like this on your flight there might be a problem. :)


Bird Brain Surrey 1 day ago
Good for them to have a bit of fun.



Bane Of Sterling Sterling United States 1 day ago
How to obtain the full version of this video?


jtamster Williams United States 1 day ago
There's definitely something wrong with me because your comment literally made me laugh out loud.


McGinty Aberdeenshire United Kingdom 1 day ago
I remember the good old days when you could have your debauchery and lewdness in the privacy of your own room without having some spoilsport filming it and posting it on YouTube.


mypoorcountry london United Kingdom 1 day ago
What does it matter who they are. If they are off duty and not hurting anyone else then they can do what they want.


Sarah the nurse Ohio USA United States 1 day ago
If they were American the women would wait 20 years and then go to the media claiming they were r aped that night


CherryBlossom18 New York City United States 1 day ago
Trust me I¿m sure there are plenty of pilots banging all the hot flight attendants this isn¿t surprising one bit lol


jtamster Williams United States 1 day ago
And many pilots banging other pilots. :-O

还有很多飞行员猛“干”其他飞行员们。 :-O

Misslouize Abertillery United Kingdom 1 day ago
Who cares? They weren't dancing up and down the aisles of the airplane naked they were on their own personal time. Good grief i'm sure if my boss knew half of what i got up to off the clock i'd be sacked ;)

谁在乎呢?他们并没有在飞机过道上上蹿下跳扭来扭去,那会儿可是他们的私人时间。真是太遗憾了,我敢肯定,要是我的老板知道我下班后都干了些什么,我会被解雇的。 ;)

cbuk Seattle United States 1 day ago
Team building exercise?



Bill Brooks angola United States 1 day ago
Where do I sign up for E. China Airline flight training?


SashaAtl Washington DC United States 1 day ago
This is why I do not sit down on hotel furniture.


Observer_over_here Montclair United States 1 day ago
I had a flight attendant I knew years ago that said that most of them have a lover in every city they shack up with rather than rent hotels. A lot of them are not set to one person.


just chillll Plum United States 1 day ago
You blurred out the good parts!


MAD DOG Oz Australia 1 day ago
That's a bit rude not inviting me !!!


jtamster Williams United States 1 day ago
Sorry they want hot dogs not mad dogs.


Atomical0923 Kansas City United States 1 day ago
The pilots should have kept their hats and sunglasses on lol!


jtamster Williams United States 1 day ago
Job applications are now pouring in to this airline!


Herbert1 Cologne Germany 1 day ago
It happened out of duty and apparently consensuel. So this is a complete nonstory in western standards. Why do you report it? Envy of a frustrated journalist?


ElLayBroad Los Angeles United States 1 day ago
I really need to get Weibo.
