日本男子在华被判间谍罪 [日本媒体]



TOKYO-The Japanese government's top spokesman confirmed that a Japanese citizen was convicted Tuesday of spying in China by a Chinese court but stressed that the case should not affect the two countries' sensitive relations that have recently started improving.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga responding to a reporter's question confirmed that Japanese citizen Takahiro Iwase was sentenced Tuesday to 12 years in prison with forced labor by the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court in Zhejiang. The court also ordered confiscation of all his personal assets.

日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)对记者的提问做出回应,证实日本公民Takahiro Iwase周二被浙江省杭州市中级人民法院判处12年有期徒刑。法院还下令没收他所有的个人财产。

Suga apparently avoided criticizing Beijing and said the two sides should make efforts so that the ruling does not undermine their improving relations. After years of disputes over territorial and historical issues their ties are on the mend amid regional cooperation to denuclearize North Korea.


Suga denied reported Chinese allegations that Iwase was a public security official sent by the government to spy on China.


In Beijing Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said she had no information about the matter but would check. China is a law-abiding nation that protects the rights and interests of foreign citizens she said adding the she believes "the unbiased and just handling of relevant cases will not affect the relations between our two countries."


Iwase was arrested in May 2015 near a military facility in the Zhejiang province on suspicion of spying. China has repeatedly warned of its vulnerability to foreign spies and periodically detained Japanese citizens in alleged spying. Several other Japanese were also detained in 2015 on suspected spying.



theFuJuly 11  07:43 am JST 
A few years ago use of a GPS device by non-Chinese was cause for arrest as a foreign spy. It is still illegal by the law on the books just the spirit of it has changed. Strictly speaking a cartography license is required to create any sort of map in China. That license mandates some things - like the data must be hosted on servers located in China and it must use a coordinate system that is only used in China GCJ-02. Violation of this law carries a US$30K fine per incident. If they feel the law was sufficiently broken criminal charges are possible.

(译者注:GCJ-02 中国国家测量局02号标准.它是一种对经纬数据进行加密的算法,既人为地加入随机偏差 ,使实际地理位置坐标与地图标注坐标存在随机偏差,以对实际地理坐标位置进行保密)

Don't be a spy in China.


“Chinese geographic regulations demand that GPS functions must either be disabled on handheld devices or they must be made to display a similar offset.”


derpderpJuly 11  01:11 pm JST 
Funny thing about China being so hard on espionage is that literally everything China has - every piece of technology and scientific knowledge - was stolen through traditional or corporate espionage (including sending thousands of Chinese students to Western unis every year etc). China the land of steal everything and try to pass it as our own has no right to get irrate about spying.


kwattJuly 11  09:03 am JST 
It seems that sightseers can't easily take pictures all over the places. If police assume you are spying there you may be arrested and detained for a long time.


ToshihiroJuly 11  10:40 am JST 
China has been tightening its grip on the people since the start of the Xi presidency. Think of it since 2012 China had passed laws that allows authorities to increase censorship limit individual liberties and allow arrests on suspicion alone. I think Xi fears that he might experience the demise of authoritarian rulers that is to be overthrown either by the people or by someone among his ranks. The arrest of Japanese nationals in China (notwithstanding the apparent law of requiring cartography license anti-espionage laws etc) is probably an offshoot of their hatred against the Japanese. Just my opinion


Ricky KaminskiJuly 11  12:16 pm JST 
“You see these dictators on their pedestals surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police ... yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful because forbidden -- terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic.”― Winston S. Churchill



Ricky KaminskiJuly 11  10:12 am JST 
[China is a law-abiding nation that protects the rights and interests of foreign citizens she said]
They actually say this stuff with a straight face. Everyone ( including them )  knows its not true but they say it anyway. It almost seems like they are taking the micky. Doing and saying whatever they please cause its Chinas turn to call the shots. The Asian century?

Interesting times ahead.

MeiyouwentiJuly 11  01:48 pm JST 
Due process of law is not yet known in China. It looks like the Japanese government have abandoned its citizens in order to do more business with China.


commanteerJuly 11  02:36 pm JST 
Why does everybody here seem to assume that he was in fact spying? So much trust in the Chinese justice system!


AkieJuly 11  07:13 am JST 
Spying in China is capital punishment. Apparently China spared him for the sake of good relationship with neighbours.


seadog538July 11  09:01 am JST 
The pot calling the kettle black!


gogogoJuly 11  12:41 pm JST 
Japanese spy's are like actors.


zichiJuly 11  12:54 pm JST 
There are just 8 spy satellites over Japan and Korea.


GoodlucktoyouJuly 11  05:39 pm JST 
Thanks zichi I spent about 20 minutes googling away but most satellites details are classified. But still reading someone’s watch from up there is pretty impressive.



zichiJuly 11  06:09 pm JST 
It easy to find the 8 spy satellites


macvJuly 11  08:33 pm JST 
get the wok ready he's done for


talaraedokkoJuly 11  11:06 pm JST 
Would loooove to know what they’re hiding there.


Camman80July 12  05:03 am JST  
"China is a law-abiding nation". What?!


China does not usually release any detailed information regarding crimes associated with spying or espionage and therefore we cannot verify anything about this particular case. We do not even know whether the Chinese authorities have any evidence in the first place; even if they had I don't think anyone outside of China would believe it anyway. Perhaps it is just another case of creating bargaining power over Japan.


Michael JacksonJuly 11  07:03 am JST 
Hey just call them and tell them what you know who said "Japan doesn't spy on other countries"


GoodlucktoyouJuly 11  12:35 pm JST 
How many spy satellites does japan have over China?


maybe 88? Why send to dude to almost certain death?


oldman_13July 11  08:34 am JST 
You get caught prepared to face the punishment.

