中国公布了粤港澳大湾区计划:打造足以匹敌硅谷和东京湾的创新和金融中心 [联合国媒体]

周一晚些时候,北京终于公布了中国“大湾区”(Greater Bay Area)的核心愿景——建设一批世界级的工作、生活和休闲城市,为它所欢呼的开放新时代绘制了路线图。


A cluster of world-class cities for work, life and leisure forms the central vision of China’s “Greater Bay Area” finally unveiled by Beijing late on Monday, laying out a road map to what it hailed as the new era of opening up.

周一晚些时候,北京终于公布了中国“大湾区”(Greater Bay Area)的核心愿景——建设一批世界级的工作、生活和休闲城市,为它所欢呼的开放新时代绘制了路线图。

Hong Kong was mentioned 102 times in the blueprint, while Macau, Guangzhou and Shenzhen were named 90, 41 and 39 times respectively.


Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor was the first to welcome the blueprint setting out President personal ambition to integrate the 11 cities into an economic powerhouse to rival other innovation and financial hubs such as Silicon Valley and the Tokyo Bay Area.

香港特首林郑月娥(Carrie Lam Cheng -ngor)是第一个欢迎这一蓝图的人。该蓝图描绘了中国的抱负,即把这11个城市整合成一个经济强国,与硅谷和东京湾等其他创新和金融中心展开竞争。

On cross-border cooperation, the establishment of a Greater Bay Area international commercial bank would be explored, while the Nansha free-trade zone in Guangzhou would demonstrate comprehensive cooperation between Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong on trade issues, according to the document.


It also set out a timetable to build the framework for the bay area and city cluster by 2022. The next milestone would be 2035, when markets within the bay area would be highly connected.


It pledged to “consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international finance, transportation and trade centre, as well as an international aviation hub”.


“For example, which customs and legal system would take the leading role and influence the future development of the bay area? It’s not clear in the outline,” he said.


The Greater Bay Area development plan
● The bay area should be driven by innovation and led by reform
● Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are the four core cities of the 11
● Governments in Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong should enhance communication and cooperate with mutual respect
● Authorities are to draw up plans to control financial risks and crack down on illegal activities


3. Deepen ties between Hong Kong and mainland financial systems
● Stock connections between Shanghai and Hong Kong, as well as between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, will be enhanced
● Eligible Hong Kong and Macau banks and insurance firms will be supported in opening branches in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai


4. Quality of life, work and travel
● Encourage Chinese nationals in Hong Kong and Macau to work at state enterprises and agencies
● Hong Kong and Macau residents working on the mainland could get the same rights to education, medical care, elderly care, housing and transport as mainland residents

4. 生活、工作和旅行的质量

7. Ecological conservation
● Strengthen water and air pollution control in the Pearl Delta River area

7. 生态保护

Where is the framework for a legal, acceptable framework for such a regional integration plan? Without it, this plan can never be accomplished.

这种区域一体化计划的法律和可接受框架在哪里? 没有这些,这个计划就无法实现。

You can tell that this has been personally devised by Xi - it’s a plan for debt fuelled white elephant infrastructure which is about as resourceful as he gets when it comes to economic affairs. He has massively increased debt, whilst significantly reducing GDP growth. What a genius.


This is fantastic. What great cities HK, Macao, SZ and GZ are!


Which government agency are you currently working for?


Really? Singapore has done great since independence. China has done an unprecedented job in 30 years. South Korea - Japan - Taiwan province all became developed under authoritarian systems too. Some cliches dont work too well in the face of history.


It's not about nit picking but reporting on a blue print that should explain how it will benefit the business sectors in HK. This is especially so when there's been enough reports about making the greater bay area into a big integrated economic zone without explaining how Hong Kong will benefit from it.


Vacuous self-congratulatory drivel.


When 2047 rolls round, we will all feel right at home!


Hats off to hard working comrades coming up with ideas to spend the SAR hoarded loot.


No idea why HK should be the aviation hub since it is not in a central position.




Sounds meaningless for the average person


Yes right. Hong Kong is already finance centre.
I hope they donot ask spend more public funds, for research or marketing for other region.
