加拿大表示在充分回顾证据后,华为CFO孟晚舟的引渡将继续 [联合国媒体]


Canada said onFriday it would launch proceedings to extradite a top executive of Chinesetelecom giant Huawei to the United States – setting the stage for a lengthydiplomatic dust-up among the three countries and threatening to throw a wrenchinto US-China trade talks.


The JusticeDepartment has accused Huawei’s chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, ofviolating US sanctions against Iran by deliberately misleading banks about
thecompany’s business dealings there. Meng is the daughter of Huawei’s founder,Ren Zhengfei.


Trump’s chief economic adviser, LarryKudlow, tried to walk back Trump’s comments a day later, though the president’sultimate strategy remains unclear.


The South China Morning Post reported last month that a senioradviser to the Chinese Communist Party predicted that the Huawei charges wouldbecome part of the trade talks and that Meng would be released in the comingmonths.


The Meng case has put Canadian officialsin a precarious spot, given that China is an increasingly important tradingpartner.


As the legalsituation has unfolded, the Canadian government has tried to keep a neutralstance.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau fired thecountry’s ambassador to China in January for repeatedly commenting on the casein public, including suggesting that Meng has a strong argument againstextradition.


Meanwhile,China has been ratcheting up political pressure on Canada. Multiple Canadiancitizens have been detained in China since Meng’s arrest, and senior governmentofficials have demanded the CFO’s immediate release.


Ren, Huawei’sfounder, told CBS News in a rare interview on February 20 that his daughter’sarrest was “politically motivated.”


The US has beenurging its allies to restrict their use of Huawei technology, especially whenbuilding out next-generation 5G networks.


Already,countries as varied as Japan, Australia and the UK have expressed doubts aboutthe company. In January, Poland arrested a Huawei sales director on espionagecharges.
