为何美朝在越南谈判的失败会使中国受益?? [联合国媒体]


Beijing stands to gain from the abruptend to the second summit between North Korea and the United States, accordingto Chinese analysts.


They believe that the no-deal summit isactually in China’s interest, and that Beijing’s influence is set to increaseas both Washington and Pyongyang will want to work more closely with China toextract a future agreement over denuclearisation, sanctions relief and regionalstability.


“There remains a huge gap in terms ofwhat Washington and Pyongyang wanted from the denuclearisation talks and theirbargaining ability,” he said.


But such an unsatisfactory outcome maybe welcomed in Beijing because “it would not be in China’s interests if the USand North Korea can find a solution to the denuclearisation issue too quickly”,Huang said.


Although Trump insisted that the summitwas not a failure and that it was important not to rush into a bad deal, theoutcome was widely seen as a setback for the embattled US president, who waseager to score points diplomatically.


According to Huang, Trump’s eagerness tomake his mark by meeting Kim personally has not only helped Pyongyang gaininternational recognition as a de facto nuclear power, but also helped Beijingimprove relations with its communist neighbour.


“As to how the security situation inNortheast Asia changes in the future, we need to watch how Pyongyang reacts tothis meeting afterwards. It’s still early to say if the situation will sufferor remain unchanged,” he said.

